creative retail experiences, and warmth in tokyo

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Some of the best days travelling are those filled with the awkward experiences that come with a language barrier.

“But I love the experiences that can only come with travelling. The awkwardness of the language barrier, the grace that is being shown despite all the communication difficulties and misunderstandings, the challenges that come with navigating and being in unfamiliar environments.”

But why do we have to travel in order to experience this awkwardness? How can we afford ourselves these moments of awkwardness when surrounded by the familiar?

“We are constantly trying to experience our country with renewed eyes, but we cannot overcome our subconscious being in auto-pilot mode.”

Picking up a camera is one way to try and see the familiar in a new light. But even with a camera in hand, I’ve found it very hard to wander the streets of our local neighbourhood and see things differently. We become blind to the routine.

Source: creative retail experiences, and warmth in tokyo