Writing to a Full Channel in Go

Published by Bill on (Updated: )

When attempting a simple circuit-breaker package (billglover/breaker), I wanted to surface state changes to users. In the course of implementing this feature I tried three approaches.

  1. Allow users to query the current state of the breaker
  2. Allow users to provide a callback function
  3. Provide users a channel for callers to receive notifications

Whilst all three solutions are workable, using channels felt like the most idiomatic. During the implementation I learned two new tricks for preventing deadlock when writing to buffered channels. Before I share them, a quick bit of context to show users of the package subscribe to notifications.

Subscribing to state changes returns a channel on which users will receive State values.

// Subscribing to state changes returns a channel 
// on which users will receive `State` values.
func (b *Breaker) Subscribe() chan State {
	c := make(chan State, 1)
	b.subscribers = append(b.subscribers, c)
	return c

As I didn’t want the breaker to block when writing to the channel I gave my channel a buffer a capacity of 1. There is no science behind this sizing and tuning may reveal that a slightly larger buffer is more efficient.

Problem: I could not guarantee that there would be consumers draining the channel. I didn’t want the package code to deadlock just because a consumer had failed to drain the channel and allowed the buffer to fill up.

Option 1 - drain the channel before writing

func (b *Breaker) notify(state State) {
	for _, s := range b.subscribers {

		for {
			select {
			case <-s:
				break out
		s <- state

This was my first solution and it works. There are a couple of things that left me thinking I could do better:

  • the use of the out: label feels dirty, whilst legitimate it reminds me of QuickBASIC.
  • performance could degrade as our buffer capacity increases
  • it isn’t immediately clear what this code is trying to do

Option 2 - select{} on write - don’t write if full

func (b *Breaker) notify(state State) {
	for _, s := range b.subscribers {
		select {
		case s <- state:
			// would be sensible to log failure to notify

Whilst I did know that select can be used when reading from channels, I hadn’t realised select can also be used when writing. This solution is far more elegant and has a couple of key advantages over my first approach:

  • performance doesn’t degrade if readers don’t consume notifications
  • it provides the option for logging the fact that readers are failing to consume notifications

Option 3 - length vs capacity - don’t write if full

func (b *Breaker) notify(state State) {
	for _, s := range b.subscribers {
		if len(s) < cap(s) {
			s <- state

The third approach was the option I settled on. The len() and cap() functions return useful information about buffered channels. The Go Programming Language Specification (Length and Capacity) offers the following definitions:

len(s) chan T number of elements queued in channel buffer


cap(s) chan T channel buffer capacity

By ensuring the number of queued elements in a buffered channel is less than the channel capacity, we can avoid writing to a full channel. It is this solution I find most readable, and the one I ended up using in my circuit breaker implementation (billglover/breaker).