Beyond the Tour

Published by Bill Glover on

I love watching talks on technical subjects. However, I often find myself in a position where I understand the topic but am far more hesitant when it comes to the importance of the conclusion. As someone who tends to learn the most from practical experience, this lack of confidence often stems from the fact that I haven’t faced similar challenges to the speaker. This presents hurdles when self-learning, as it can be difficult to create complex technical setups required.

Most recently, I’ve noticed this with my attempts to learn Go. I’d completed the Go Tour but found that I lacked the confidence to write my own applications. More importantly, I struggled to identify scenarios where headline features of the language would really set it apart. I wanted to change that and so started to look for excuses to write Go.

Last Wednesday I gave a talk at the London Gophers meet-up: Beyond the Tour. This is the story of my journey to becoming a more confident Go developer. It was great fun to pull together. Feedback most welcome.

“So you’ve completed the Go Tour, mastered the syntax and are unsure where to turn next? In this talk Bill takes you through a series of projects on his journey to being a more confident Go developer.”

Video: YouTube

Slides: pdf
Feedback or Questions: email, Twitter


Unfortunately, my slides don’t include references mentioned during the talk. These are linked below.